March 9, 2010

a vintage wedding... a garden, with both french and asian touches... and wedding color scheme: blush pink, antique gold, with a hint of green.

that was a request i received recently from a bride to be. along with this sample invitation from another designer pulled from somewhere on the great world wide web:


i really REALLY wish i could give proper credit to whatever artistic genius put this together... the melding of the double happiness symbols discreetly into the damask background is just plain awesome. all of the other little flairs and flourishes also definitely hit the spot. (if anyone recognizes this, please leave a comment and share!)

so.. with the aforementioned assignment.. colors, cultures, textures, ideas and everything, we dove in for a test-run.  here's the initial prototype... figured i'd share it with all of you!  i'll let you know what happens when i hear back from the beautiful betrothed!


**UPDATE: she's been found! thanks to our friends over at California Wedding Wave, the original designer and all over amazingness can be found here and here. my life is now complete. **


  1. This is a small, small world! These designs are from Lindsey Ryan Designs. She is actually a friend of mine from Illinois. We taught together for a few years. She has recently gone full time with her design work. Here is a link to her gallery of work showing this design. She also has a shop on Etsy. She is unbelievably talented! Here is the link to her Etsy site... This is crazy!

  2. These are amazing!! SO unique and fun!

  3. so awesome! thanks for identifying Lindsey as the designer and giving proper credit!! absolutely love her work! will try and get that listed in the post sometime later today. :)
